Champion greener energy use General meetings Meetings News Retrofitting

Meet Retro Duck!

On Saturday 11th May 2024, Sustainable Calne launched its new Retrofit project by launching Retro Duck at the annual Duck Race, organised by Calne Lions.

We are very excited to have secured funding from the Centre for Sustainable Energy for a new project on retrofitting our homes to make them more energy efficient – good for the planet and good for our pockets. Two of our volunteers have completed accredited training and will be looking for ways to share their knowledge to householders about the starting points for any work you may think would help you.

Sara and Denis will be at our AGM on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 to explain about:

  • what Retrofitting is
  • some key things to think about when starting to make your home more energy efficient
  • some pointers for where grants might be available

Champion greener energy use Enhance our local ecology General meetings Influence sustainable transport Meetings

Wiltshire Local Plan

Sustainable Calne held a public meeting on Wednesday 18th October 2023 to discuss and share thoughts on the Wiltshire Local Plan as it relates to sustainability in Calne.

Resources from the meeting will be posted here along with our response to the consultation.

How to respond

Our notes

Wiltshire Council Resources

Wiltshire Council held a public consultation event at Calne Library on Monday 16th October 2023. They also held an online webinar, and have made the video available:

Wiltshire Council video of Local Plan Review webinar.
Champion greener energy use General meetings

Borrow our Thermal Imaging Cameras

Monday 13th March – Marden House 7pm

Saving energy in our homes is not only good for saving money, but reduces our Carbon footprint. Come and see how to use one and sign up to borrow one.

Find out how to borrow and use our Thermal Imaging Cameras.

Working with Calne Town Council, we have two cameras we can lend (no charge) to residents of Calne. Use them with a smartphone to identify heat loss areas in your home. Simple remedies to address the problems are suggested with the cameras.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to borrow a camera please email Tell us whether you are need one that links to an iPhone or to an android phone.

Champion greener energy use General meetings

 Solar farms and food security – short talk plus planning ahead

Monday 16th January – Marden House 7pm

Addressing the myth that Solar Farms impact our food security.

Sophy Fearnley-Whittingstall of Eden Renewables will give a short informal talk about the facts in relation to this issue. We will also look at plans for the year, the project we already have in progress working with Calne Town Council and on some possible further projects. Rob Mercer from CTC will be joining us.

Do you have a suggestion for Sustainable Calne – something we could do or campaign about? If so come along and share your ideas.

Champion greener energy use Solar PV buying scheme

Online Launch Webinar for the Solar PV Discount Buying Scheme

On Tuesday 22nd September 2020, Sustainable Calne held a webinar focused on the scheme run in partnership with Zero Chippenham to buy solar PV better.


  • Brief introduction to Sustainable Calne
  • Illustrated Introduction to Community Solar PV Scheme and the links with Sustainable Calne (Dr Nick Murry and Mr Alex Lockton – Zero Chippenham)
  • Illustrated presentation (Mr Warren Arnsmeyer – MD of SolarSense) on:
    • The scheme working in practice
    • Solar benefits and options
    • A short case study
  • Introduction to 1 World Solar (Mr Jon Walker – MD)
  • Live Q&A Session

Event recording video

Champion greener energy use Solar PV buying scheme

Sustainable Calne Day @ the Pocket Park

On Saturday 5th September 2020, Sustainable Calne held a Calne Community Solar PV event at the Pocket Park. The day focused on the scheme run in partnership with Zero Chippenham to buy solar PV better.

Event Video

Event photo gallery