General meetings Meetings

Energy Saving & Local Environment Day

Sustainable Calne will be there to tell people about what we do and look for more ideas on how we can address Climate Change.

If anyone could come along and help out for an hour we would really appreciate it. email:

General meetings Meetings

River Blitz

BART (Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust) are running a citizen science project. This involves collecting samples of water from The River Avon catchment area and testing for a range of pollutants. You can join in by registering as an individual, or come along on Friday 14th July 2023 at 3pm to the Boat near the entrance to Castlefields Park and we will collect samples from a few places. It should take 1-2 hours depending on how many people we have helping. Find out more

or contact us on to let us know you are interested in joining us.

Enhance our local ecology General meetings

Local Wildlife Walks David Sawyer

Local Wildlife Walks – talk by David Sawyer on May 24th 2023

This presentation was a real feast for the eyes – spectacular photos of our local wildlife! Huge thanks to David for this talk. If you missed it here are a few of the 75 photos – all taken locally – and a summary of his talk.

David showed us some wonderful photos of local wildlife. He talked about how his wildlife observations start at his home near the centre of Calne in a residential area. In his garden he sees an array of birds, small animals such as snails and frogs, and a variety of insects. David also described two of the walks he does, going from his home to observe different species – though his special interest is in birds. Going from Calne out along Low Lane and following the cycle path to The Penn Ponds he showed us photos of a range of species that can be seen – best time is early morning but not exclusively. Views of kites and several different gulls are common here. The other route is going along Wenhill Lane and onto the footpaths to Bowood Lake – this can be a circular walk taking in Studley and the cycle track. A little further away, but still walkable if you have time, is Morgan’s Hill where the chalk grassland is home to a rich variety of flowers, butterflies and birds.

David reported that he has seen over 90 species of birds within the Calne area – showing that we don’t need to travel far to enjoy the wonders of wildlife – and also how important it is that we protect the green spaces both in and around the town.

Enhance our local ecology General meetings Walking and cycling

Wildlife on Your Doorstep and AGM

Wednesday 24th May at Marden House – AGM at 7.00, talk at 7.30

The Sustainable Calne AGM will be held on Wednesday 24th May at 7.00 at Marden House. This will be followed by a talk at 7.30 entitled:
“Wildlife on Your Doorstep – nature photography from your home.”

Local wildlife expert and photographer, David Sawyer, will talk about the local wildlife walks he takes – and some of the species he sees. He will also give some tips for taking good photographs – while ensuring the wildlife is not disturbed.

Avon Needs Trees Enhance our local ecology Project meetings

Visit to Hazelands

Sunday 30th April – 10.00am at Hazelands wood

A chance for a tour of Hazelands near Studley. The tour will start at 10.00am for about an hour.

You will need to wear wellies and the site is rough ground.

You can leave after the tour or stay on to do some conservation work on the trees already planted.

The day is being led by Russell and Sue from Sustainable Calne.

Champion greener energy use General meetings

Borrow our Thermal Imaging Cameras

Monday 13th March – Marden House 7pm

Saving energy in our homes is not only good for saving money, but reduces our Carbon footprint. Come and see how to use one and sign up to borrow one.

Find out how to borrow and use our Thermal Imaging Cameras.

Working with Calne Town Council, we have two cameras we can lend (no charge) to residents of Calne. Use them with a smartphone to identify heat loss areas in your home. Simple remedies to address the problems are suggested with the cameras.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to borrow a camera please email Tell us whether you are need one that links to an iPhone or to an android phone.

Champion greener energy use General meetings

 Solar farms and food security – short talk plus planning ahead

Monday 16th January – Marden House 7pm

Addressing the myth that Solar Farms impact our food security.

Sophy Fearnley-Whittingstall of Eden Renewables will give a short informal talk about the facts in relation to this issue. We will also look at plans for the year, the project we already have in progress working with Calne Town Council and on some possible further projects. Rob Mercer from CTC will be joining us.

Do you have a suggestion for Sustainable Calne – something we could do or campaign about? If so come along and share your ideas.

Influence sustainable transport Partners Walking and cycling

New Benches for the Cycle Track

Thanks to the team of volunteers from Sustainable Calne, Calne Without Parish Council and Calne Clean-Up Crew these benches – made by Calne Men’s Shed are now installed along the cycle track between Calne and Stanley. Great team work everyone!

General meetings

Business Meeting

Monday 14th November 2022 – 7:30pm (Zoom Meeting)

Our November meeting will catch everyone up on our projects. We will also discuss an update to the constitution to take the group in a charitable direction, and we will be launching our updated website.

Following this, we will be looking at some materials that address how to communicate issues related to Climate Change to those currently not interested. 7.30. Zoom.

General meetings Wildflower Planting

Growing wild flower meadows in our gardens and public spaces

Monday 3rd October 2022 – 7pm (Marden House)

Tried growing a wildflower area in your garden and found it was harder than you expected?

Our next meeting is on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 7pm at Marden House. There will be a free talk by Paul Jupp of “Meadow in my Garden”. Find out about perennial and annual mixes. What bulbs can be under planted? Can the mixes be of different heights?