Avon Needs Trees Enhance our local ecology Project meetings

Visit to Hazelands

Sunday 30th April – 10.00am at Hazelands wood

A chance for a tour of Hazelands near Studley. The tour will start at 10.00am for about an hour.

You will need to wear wellies and the site is rough ground.

You can leave after the tour or stay on to do some conservation work on the trees already planted.

The day is being led by Russell and Sue from Sustainable Calne.

Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and cycling group meeting 14 July 2021

Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and cycling group meeting 26 May 2021


  1. Attendance and Apologies
  2. Survey of Cycle Track towards Chippenham. Denis Robinson to update and organisational matters to be agreed.
  3. Up date on progress of request for upgrade of Marden Farm to Bentley Lane footpath
  4. Footpath audit.
  5. Route NCR403 towards Avebury.
  6. Beat the Street update
  7. AOB
Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and Cycling group meeting 22 February 2021

Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and Cycling group meeting 8 February 2021

Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and Cycling group meeting 16 December 2020

Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and Cycling group meeting 26 November 2020

Influencing sustainable transport Project meetings Walking and cycling

Walking and Cycling group meeting 26 October 2020